Kidney Treatment


Kidney Daimeg

Kidney damage, or nephropathy, refers to the impaired function of kidneys due to conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure. It reduces the kidneys' ability to filter waste from blood.


Kidney shrinkage

Kidney shrinkage, or renal atrophy, is the reduction in kidney size due to tissue loss or damage, often from chronic kidney disease, poor blood flow, or infections, impairing normal kidney function.

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Kidney dialysis

Kidney dialysis is a medical treatment that filters and purifies the blood using a machine, helping to balance electrolytes and remove waste when kidneys can't perform these functions effectively.

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Kidney cysts

Kidney cysts are fluid-filled sacs that form on or within the kidneys. They are usually benign and cause no symptoms but may require treatment if they grow large or cause discomfort.

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Kidney stones

Kidney stones are hard mineral deposits forming in the kidneys, causing pain when passing. Kidney cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can be simple (harmless) or complex, potentially affecting kidney function.

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Kidney detox

Kidney detox cysts are fluid-filled sacs formed in the kidneys, often due to toxins. A detox regimen supports kidney function by flushing out toxins, potentially reducing cyst formation and improving health.

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